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Interplanetary Shock (or CME Arrival)
Catalog: M2M_CATALOG
Location: Earth
Event Time: 2024-08-11T12:00Z ( DSCOVR: PLASMAG )
All Detecting Spacecrafts:
Activity ID: 2024-08-11T12:00:00-IPS-001 (version 3)
Quality of ICME Signature: 1 (lacks some signatures)
Note: Characterized by a gradual increase of solar wind speed to around 510 km/s and rotation of magnetic field components, with Bz eventually reaching -18 nT. Originally the arrival of this/these ICME/s was thought to be around 2024-08-12T07:44Z, when there is a start of a smooth rotation in magnetic field components, but, per LASSOS team assessment, the time of ICME arrival was moved to ~2024-08-11T12:00Z, which is likely the start of an interaction region or the sheath between both a previous ICMEs and this one, while 2024-08-12T07:44Z is likely to be the arrival of the current CME's flux rope. Note that there is no shock in this arrival due to the interaction with the previous CME (courtesy of Carlos Peres Alanis, LASSOS team).
Submitted on 2024-08-27T16:43Z by Anna
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